POM Pepper Spray Review

Personal safety is a growing concern globally. More people are gravitating towards buying self-defense tools that they can use to protect themselves. Pepper sprays are a popular choice when it comes to self-defense. Due to their popularity, there are several brands and manufactures that design pepper sprays. One popular brand that stands out is POM industries.

This brand offers a wide, reliable range of pepper sprays that offer top-notch personal safety services. In this POM pepper spray review, we aim to highlight the features and effectiveness of these pepper sprays. We will also explore POM industries, Ain hunter, and KO pepper sprays.

POM Industries Pepper Spray Review

POM industries are a renowned brand known for their pepper spray manufacturing. They have a reputation of producing high-quality, reliable pepper sprays. They are committed to ensuring that their users’ safety comes first. If you prioritize convenience, then you might want to get yourself a POM industries pepper spray.

Their compact design makes them very portable and you can carry them around wherever you go. One feature that stands out in all POM industries pepper sprays is their powerful formation. They ensure that each of their sprays have a potent blend of Oleoresin Capsicum and UV dye. This blend ensures that you are able to incapacitate your attacker while marking them for later identification. The aim of the UV dye feature is to ensure that law enforcers can apprehend the attacker after the incident.

POM industries’ pepper sprays are user-friendly and you do not require any complex technical skills to operate them. They also come with flip-flop safety mechanisms used to prevent any accidental discharge. The aim of this mechanism is to uphold personal safety as well as ensure you can access your pepper spray whenever needed. These pepper sprays are discreet in nature due to their compact design. It’s highly unlikely for your attacker to notice that you are carrying pepper spray.

One other impressive feature of the POM industries pepper spray is its range. The range of pepper sprays vary but for this particular brand they reach an average of 10-12 feet. This is a sufficient zone to ensure you are safe from any potential threat. When spraying, personal space is paramount. This not only reduces the risk of you exposing yourself to the spray but also ensures you are far enough from the attacker.

Aim Hunter Pepper Spray Review

Aim Hunter is a subsidiary of POM industries. This brand mainly caters to individuals with an active lifestyle and who are often outside. When going out in the wilderness, there is a higher risk of you being in danger. Aim Hunter aims to offer more protection by incorporating an added layer in their pepper sprays.

Aim Hunter lives up to the standards of POM industries. This is because they also utilize a combination of OC and UV dye. By using their products, you are also able to identify your attacker after the incident. When in nature, the most probable thing an assailant will do is flee into the woods. However, with the use of UV dye, you have the capability of catching him.

The feature that stands out in an Aim Hunter pepper spray is its durability. This pepper spray is specifically designed for outdoors. Therefore, it’s built to withstand several elements and last longer than most pepper sprays. You can use the spray in adverse weather conditions without any worry. Since most individuals who use this pepper spray are hikers and campers, its durability comes in handy.

Outdoor enthusiasts prefer a tool they can easily carry around without added burden. For this reason, Aim Hunter attach a clip to their canister that you can hook onto your belt or backpack. This way, you can quickly and easily access it.

KO Pepper Spray Review

KO pepper spray is another subsidiary under POM industries. This brand caters to individuals who prefer smaller, minimalist designs. It specializes in compact designs that are subtle but do not compromise on efficiency. As is with the other pepper sprays under POM industries, KO pepper spray also provides a blend of OC and UV dye.

Although quite small in size, this pepper spray has an impressive range. You can use it effectively from a safe distance away from potential threats. If you are looking for a portable and user-friendly pepper spray then look no further.

The key feature of KO pepper spray is its compact, minimalist design. You can easily carry this small canister on a keychain as an accessory. It also comes with the infamous POM industries flip-flop safety. You do not have to worry about any accidental discharges.

Comparing POM Industries, Aim Hunter, and KO Pepper Sprays

By comparison, it’s evident that POM industries are keen on catering to the different needs of individuals. The POM industries pepper spray is an all-round, powerful choice for personal safety. Aim Hunter mainly focuses on outdoor enthusiasts whereas KO pepper sprays are for individuals who prefer minimalist designs.

All three brands share the same powerful formulation. This is the OC plus UV dye blend. They aim to not only incapacitate attackers but also to identify them once they run away. POM industries evidently aim at ensuring user safety regardless of the brand.

Whichever brand you choose to pick out of them relies on your preferences and lifestyle.


POM industries are a reputable pepper spray manufacturer and it’s evident why. They are committed to user safety and all their products are reliable and effective. Depending on your preference, you can choose any out of the three brands. All of them contain a powerful formulation that will help incapacitate and identify your attacker. They also have impressive range that allows you to use your canister at a safe distance, away from potential threats.

This brand makes a clear statement through their pepper sprays. They are dedicated to empowering individuals with reliable and effective self-defense tools. POM industries, Aim Hunter and KO pepper spray are a good choice in case you are planning on purchasing pepper spray.


Written by: Georgina Njoki
Freelance Copywriter and Travel Enthusiast.


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